Thursday, November 29, 2012

Simple Student Information System using ASP.NET MVC4 (w/ C#)

I created a practice project where I use my new knowledge on Entity Framework Code First, the Repository and Unit of Work patterns with ASP.NET MVC4 and Unit Testing including mocking with Moq.

I published it on GitHub.
(Not yet finished)(I think I am finished with the thing I wanted to practice on - using the Repository and Unit of Work patterns)

There are functionalities that are not yet implemented in this project:
1. Updating the list of Degrees
2. Updating the list of Subjects
3. Updating the list of Semesters, Periods and Levels
4. Roles and permissions - for now, anybody can register, login and update student records.
(also, Unit Testing is not yet completed)

I have to set aside this project for a while because there are other things I need to study.

If you are interested, you can view/download/fork it from here: