Tuesday, June 11, 2013

From Nand to Tetris - My Solutions to the Projects

I have created a repository to contain my solutions to the projects of the course "From Nand to Tetris"
(You can also get the reading materials and projec files at http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/course/2002/nand2tet/projects.html)

Here is the repository of my solutions: https://github.com/jboyflaga/Nand2Tetris
(Some of my solutions are not very good even though the output is still correct. Be sure to also look at other people's solutions for reference.)

UPDATE (November 17, 2013): I deleted the GitHub repository of my solutions to the Nand2Tetris projects 1 to 8 because someone who is teaching it (Alex Lipov) requested for it to be removed because it violated the course terms (http://www.nand2tetris.org/terms.php).

If you want to know how to start the course just read the whole Chapter 1 available in http://www.nand2tetris.org/course.php or http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/course/2002/nand2tet/projects/proj1.html. You will know what to do especially after you read the last part of chapter 1.
